Fortnite season 7, week 9 challenges and how to complete them fast - Phonevscell

Fortnite: Battle Royale just had a big event with a live concert featuring DJ Marshmello on a stage in Pleasant Park. Like previous Fortnite live events, it was a one-time thing, so if you weren't in the game to see it, you're going to have to watch the aftermath on YouTube.
It was pretty amazing watching as players danced and watched the 10-minute show, but it didn't reveal anything about what might be in store for season eight.

how to complete Fortnite season 7 week 9 challenge

With season 8 fast approaching, you only have a couple of weeks left to grind through your weekly challenges. The list of challenges this week looks promising, with a few requiring you to search for hidden sights and one that has you completing time trials in X4-Stormwings, which should make for a loud week of Fortnite. If you're still working on last week's list, head over to our season 7, week 8 guide.

 Use a Sneaky Snowman in different matches (0/3)
Stage 1: Land at Retail Row (0/1)
Eliminate opponents at Junk Junction or Retail
Row (0/3) - Hard

Battle Pass 
Pop 10 Golden Balloons (0/10)
Stage 1: Dance on a sundial (0/1)
Shotgun eliminations (0/3) - Hard
Complete timed trials in an X-4 Stormwing (0/2) - Hard

Fortnite Season 7, Week 9 Challenges

  •  How to use a Sneaky Snowman in different matches

How to use a Sneaky Snowman in different matches

 This one is as easy as it gets... as long as you can find Sneaky Snowmen. They come in stacks of five, but note that you have to place them in different matches so only the first one in each match will count towards the challenge. I think as long as you keep this one in mind while you do other challenges and place at least one snowman when you find them, you should have it done in no time.

  •  How to do stage 1: Land at Retail Row (0/1)  

We've seen this quest many times and while it's not very exciting to simply land places, at least it forces you out of your comfort zone by sending you to locations you might not otherwise visit. The first is Retail Row, but the following stages send you to (in order) Frosty Flights, Haunted Hills, Shifty Shafts and finally Dusty Divot.

  • How to eliminate opponents at Junk Junction or Retail Row 

How to eliminate opponents at Junk Junction or Retail Row
 This one is now a pretty standard challenge and lets you pick your poison as far as where you want to complete it. Retail Row will probably be pretty crowded because of the previous challenge, so I would suggest going there for the most action early in the week. You only need to eliminate 3 players, so it shouldn't take you too long.

  • How to pop 10 golden balloons 

 I actually saw one of these golden balloons in a game earlier this week and wondered why they were there. Now we know that they serve a purpose, but finding them is going to be the challenge here. I made a map so you can get through them fast if you plan a path for getting as many as possible in each match.

  • How to do stage 1: Dance on a sundial .

Dance on sundial fortnite challenge
The dance quests are always fun, but watch out because you'll often run into other people doing the same challenge. Hopefully people will respect others doing the challenge so we can get through them fast. You start with the sundial, but the following stages have you dancing on an oversized coffee, then a metal dog head. Here's a map of the three locations:

  • How to get shotgun eliminations 

 This one should be pretty easy even though Epic lists it as hard. Chances are you probably use a shotgun regularly when you're in close quarters combat so you'll probably complete this challenge naturally. If you want to plow through it quickly, hit up a high-traffic location like Tilted Towers or Paradise Palms, or go where you know people are going from other challenges like Retail Row or Junk Junction.

  • How to complete timed trials in an X-4 Stormwing   

 Apparently it's going to be a loud week in the game because everyone is going to need to do this challenge at some point. A lot of people will probably head to Frosty Flights to grab planes, so if you want to fly in under the radar (if you will) you could hit up one of the many Exhibition Outposts (red tent buildings), which often have planes nearby. Once you have a plane, head to these locations to complete timed trials: There are three locations, but you only need to complete two to complete the challenge.

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